In Season
Freshly picked apples and pears and a craving for comforting root veg…
There has been a growing appreciation for heritage apples in recent years which is great news for some of our lesser-known varieties. At the market this autumn explore the flavour, texture and sweetness of a range of local apples at Day’s Cottage stall and chat to David and Helen whose knowledge on all things apple is outstanding. And don’t forget, it’s Apple Day at the market on Saturday 14th October so do come and have a taster or two.
From buttery Concordes to crunchy Conferences and creamy Comices, our home-grown pears are hard to beat. Timing is crucial to a good pear and it can be tricky to get that perfectly ripe moment. If you do, devour the pear there and then; if not, use it to cook with – pear makes an enchanting partner to blackberries in a crumble, works wonders with almonds in a frangipane, and offsets salty Gorgonzola and walnuts in a fruity salad.
While you’re busy making crumbles and pies from apples and pears, why not put a lovely pot roast of root vegetables in the oven – squash, pumpkin, beetroot, carrot, celeriac, parsnip, these will form the basis of our meals for the next few months. But don’t be alarmed – they’re a versatile bunch – casseroles, curries, soups and roasted veg – there’s plenty of variety at mealtimes to see you through the next season.
You can buy fresh, seasonal produce this season from the following stalls: Coleshill Organic Farm,Croft Farm, Duncan Paget & Co, Newark Farm, Styan’s Family Produce, Hotch Potch Organics and Days Cottage.