Friday 20th March 2015
Well I don’t like to be the harbinger of bad news but I’m afraid I have to announce that the weekly Thursday food market in Swindon town centre, that was in Havelock Square, and was due to return at the end of March, will not now be happening. Trade at the market has been difficult for stallholders from the outset and too few stallholders were willing to come back this month to make it worthwhile.
Luckily for you Swindonites you still have the now 10+ year old Farmers’ market at the Designer Outlet every Sunday so you can still get your local produce every week. The Sunday market is having a bit of a rough time as well unfortunately as the centre is going through extensive refurbishment (very nice too!) and we are in the North car park for the duration of March, which, I’m afraid to say, does not have the same ambience as Train Street. Stalls are struggling for sales so please get down there and support them as best as you can. Featuring this week we have Eadles Meats with Chicken and pork, Hinton marsh farm with beef, lamb and pork and the BBQ, Neustift dairy Goat’s Cheeses, Paget’s Veg, Lovett Pies and new stall Niang’s Thai snacks with ready to eat Thai foods. Of course Swindon fave Pippin doughnuts will be there too plus lots more. The market is in the North car park from 10-4 and will return to its usual location on the 12th of April.