The Lavender Garden
Andrew Bullock
Ashcroft Nurseries
Kingscote, Nr. Ozleworth
Tetbury, GL8 8YF
T: 01453 860356 / M: 07837 582943
We are a specialist plant nursery that developed from an interest in butterflies. We specialise in producing plants that will attract bees, butterflies and moths – in particular over 100 varieties of lavender and buddleia. All our plants are grown on site without the use of insecticides or pesticides.
We attend Stroud, Gloucester (1st and 3rd Fridays), Cheltenham and Bristol farmers' markets from April to October.
We sell a huge variety of lavender, buddleia and other butterfly attracting plants, as well as lavender oils, and over 100 varieties of cullinary herbs.
Come along to our landscaped nursery, where you can see all the varieties growing in situ. The nursery is open from 11am – 5pm every weekend for visits and plants sales, please call for weekday opening hours.
We also hold the National Buddleia collection.