Chef’s Special: Roasted red legged partridge with glazed apples and plums, served with partridge croquet, dauphinoise potatoes and red wine jus.
Celebrate autumn with this seasonal recipe from Mill’s Café Bistro in Withey’s Yard
Serves 4
4 red leg partridge
400ml red wine sauce
2 eating apples
8 plums
50g dark sugar
4 portions dauphinoise potatoes
1 bunch baby carrots
50g flour
1 egg, beaten
100g breadcrumbs
200g duck/goose fat
50g butter, melted
Oil for deep frying
Additional oil for cooking bird
100g mashed potatoes
4 slices Parma ham
- To make the partridge croquettes, remove the legs from the birds, place in duck or goose fat and slow cook for one and a half hours or until the meat is tender. Strip the meat off the legs and break into small pieces. Mix with the mashed potatoes and set aside.
- In an oven proof pan heat a small amount of rapeseed oil and roast the remainder of the birds until golden brown. Place in a moderate oven for 10-15 mins or longer if well done is required.
- Crisp the Parma ham between two sheets of greaseproof paper in the oven.
- Halve the plums and de-stone. Quarter the apples, de-core and leave the skins on. Place the fruit in the melted butter, add the sugar and cook until golden brown; set aside.
- Peel the carrots, cook with a small amount of water, sugar and salt until tender.
- Roll up the leg meat into small balls, dip in the flour, then the beaten egg and finally coat in bread crumbs. Cook till golden brown in the fryer. Then place in the oven.
- Heat the dauphinoise potatoes. Heat the red wine sauce in a small saucepan.
- On a warm plate arrange the bird, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, crispy Parma ham and finish with the red wine jus. Serve with the bunched carrots and green beans if desired.
Mill’s Café Bistro is open from 8.30am-5pm with an evening menu and Happy Hour from 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays. The evening menu consists of small sharing platters, as well as meat, fish and vegetarian plates using seasonal ingredients and vegetables sourced at the farmers’ market. Look out for special events including music nights, private parties also caterd for.
Next music night: Friday September 29th, an evening of music provided by local artist, Amy.
For more information, call 01453 752222 or visit the Facebook page!