An apple a day!
Britain has over 2500 varieties of apple recorded yet most of us eat the same old ones every day. Branch out this autumn and discover one of the amazing local heritage varieties grown by Day’s Cottage, our outstanding apple experts!
Helen and David Brent-Smith from Day’s Cottage grow over 200 varieties on their farm in Brookthorpe. Nearly 100 of these are local Gloucestershire ones grown in the Museum Orchard, a project with Gloucestershire Orchard Trust to preserve the county’s apple varieties.
Here are Helen’s top picks this season:
Ashmead’s Kernel: developed in 1700 by Dr Ashmead in Gloucester. Beautifully crisp and juicy, lightly russeted dessert variety with excellent sweet/acid balance and a great storer.
Adam’s Pearmain: lovely dense, firm-fleshed variety with beautiful autumnal colouring and rich, nutty flavour.
Kidd’s Orange Red: a cox cross – sweet, crisp dessert apple, juicy and aromatic with vinous flavour.
Pitmarston Pineapple: delightful little yellow apple, firm flesh and with a distinct hint of pineapple! A firm favourite among our customers.
King of the Pippins: rich flavoured, crisp variety with almondy flavour.
And not forgetting heritage pears: Brown Bess Pear: a rare Gloucestershire cooking pear which goes a delicate pink colour when cooked, and makes a divine pear crumble!
**Visit the stall for free apple tastings and juicing!**
Also try: Croft Farm and Coleshill Organics for specialty apples.