Gloucester farmers Market news Thursday 16th February 2017
I can’t contain my delight in being able to announce the return of Pippin Doughnuts to the market after a lengthy absence of (can it be?!?) 5 years. Yes the price may have risen since they were last at the farmers’ market but this is a top quality product and when you compare them to the price of cakes and treats in the coffee shops dotted around the city they’re actually very reasonable. Personally, I would hike it across town on a wet windy day if I was in the mood for one.
Let me remind you. A Pippin Doughnut is a traditionally fried (NOT BAKED) doughnut made from Shipton Mill and Wessex Mill flours which are risen overnight and made fresh every morning before the market. However, excellent though the dough itself is (try and say that out loud!), it is the fillings that truly make them the beauteous things of wonder they are. Regulars will know that Court Farm are at the market during the summer months with their fantastic soft fruits and it is this fruit that has been used to make the high fruit “compote” that goes into the seasonally changing fruit fillings. Currently, Apple and Cider, Strawberry’s and Custard and Mixed Berry are on the menu plus a surprise one every week. Add to this the mouth-wateringly good Custard (made fresh in the traditional way with eggs and Jess’s Ladies organic milk), the Lemon Curd, the Rich Chocolate Ganache plus the constantly changing flavoured ring doughnuts and the unfilled but supreme Cinnamon and Brown Sugar doughnuts and I don’t see how anyone reading this can possibly stay away. Single doughnuts in bags and boxes of mixed doughnuts available on the stall. Warning, they are coated in a variety of sugars! Napkin essential!
Please form an orderly queue from 8.30 am this Friday 17th February at the farmers’ market on The Cross until 3pm and don’t forget your shopping bag so you can get your weekly shop fresh and local.