Wednesday 10th December 2014

Ooh I’ve got one of those situations at the market this week where the number of potential bookings I have lined up for Saturday exceeds the available space I have for placing them! What that means for you, our beloved customers, is that there will be a HUGE range of stalls, all selling their own produce; what they have made, grown, reared, prepared and baked themselves.

Stroud Market News

It’s an absolutely bumper market this week with priority announcement numero uno being that Overton organic Eggs will be back. I know many of you have been awaiting the return of their awesome double yokers but I’m afraid you’ll have to get in the queue behind me on Saturday! …

Personal Triumph…

I managed a personal triumph in the kitchen this week as I overcame what had developed into a weird procrastinating inertia around roasting a squash! …

Market News

Lucky old us!! It’s British Sausage Week this week and thanks to that wonderful market down at the Cornhill Square every Saturday plus Tony the Butchers in Kendrick Street there is an absolutely massive range of Bangers available to the townsfolk of Stroud on Saturday….